Sci-Fi Invention: Time Travel
Perhaps time is only a human invention used to distinguish the order in which events occur. Albert Einstein theorized that the faster an object moves the slower time for that object passes (Relativity). Does that mean that if matter were to exceed the speed of light that time for that matter would pass in reverse? Look at the diagram bellow for a better idea.
Stationary: 0 m / s Time is standard
½ the speed of light: 149896229 m / s Time is ½ slower than standard
the speed of light: 299792458 m / s Time is stationary
2x the speed of light: 599584916 m / s Time reverses ½ of standard
4x the speed of light: 1199169832 m / s Time reverses at speed of standard
If time works like depicted in the model above than if any matter were to travel beyond the speed of light than only the matter that is in motion will travel through time, not reversing the entire flow of time throughout the universe. Time travel may also present a flaw in the law of conservation of matter and energy which states that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted (matter and energy may be equal at the speed of light).
Time travel presents the fact that once you have traveled to another point in time there will be hens fourth matter that was never present in the universe and will be there for all the future in less that matter is returned to the exact point from which it came. This also means that if we could channel something like light energy from ancient stars we could use that energy to fuel our civilization with more energy than it could ever need. One problem could lie in the fact that the future hasn't happened yet so you may be able to go back in time but not back to the future once you got there. The future could be constantly at flux, always changing and always affected by what we do in the present but there may be only one future that will be the outcome of everything that occurs in the present.
As clocks are the only instruments humans posses that measure time it is extremely difficult to come to an understanding of how time works. I have theorized that time is not linear nor does it follow any roots or splitting branches like a tree. Time exists just as the universe exists, time is infinite and is present along with matter and energy. Just as ripples and warps occur in space, time follows a similar pattern. Time is uneven (just as theorized by Albert Einstein Relativity ). Because time is infinite it extends throughout the universe and just as the universe has a center so does time, but it may be that time predates the big bang. It may also be possible that there is a location without time. This speculation presents a number of unusual circumstances that could occur if such a location could be studied.
The Big Bang is the cosmological model of the initial conditions and subsequent development of the Universe that is supported by the most comprehensive and accurate explanations from current scientific evidence and observation. As used by cosmologists, the term Big Bang generally refers to the theory that the Universe has expanded from a primordial hot and dense initial condition at some finite time in the past (best available measurements in 2009 suggest that the initial conditions occurred around 13.3 to 13.9 billion years ago), and continues to expand to this day. The constant expansion of the universe is today explained through the theory of red shift and the Doppler affect which proves that bodies in space are moving away from each other due to the fact that the Universe is expanding. I believe that there is some error in this theory. My revised Big Bang Theory is that the Universe is already infinite to begin with.
The Big Bang did occur and beyond that point matter and energy released from chemical storage in matter was released into the Universe. The primary change in the theory can easily be explained. When anything explodes the fragments move apart in many directions away from the original detonation. When the Big Bang occurred it sent fragments in many directions which moved apart throughout the Universe and due to the lack of friction in space the objects stay in motion until forces besides friction alter their course. If however space is expanding will there be a point at which it stops or will space continue expanding forever? Would it be possible to reach the edge of space and if you could would you be able to go any further?