The name Salvius
The name Salvius originates from ancient Rome. Although this article is straying from the usual technicalities of the Salvius robot I thought it would be interesting to write about some other Salviuses. Through history this name has been held by some extraordinary people the likes of which the world has not yet forgotten.

Just as an interesting fact, while considering different names for this robot I chose 'Salvius' because the robot is mostly 'salvaged' parts. I was looking for an unconventional name that was not stereotypical to a robot. I considered full three and four word names for Example: Walter Octavian Bonaparte, but somehow that just didn't fit the robot. Salvius was a character from the Cambridge series that I learned Latin from. I tried it and the name stuck. With that in mind, Gratias tibi, et exspecto commentario!
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There was a Salvius who was a Roman flute player, Gaius Salvius Liberalis a Roman aristocrat stationed in Britain and the subject of the Cambridge Latin Course Book II, Salvius (bishop), saint and Bishop of Albi in Gaul, Salvius (Amiens) a saint and bishop of Amiens in Gaul, Laurence Salvius (aka Laurentii Salvii, 18th century), of Stockholm who published the works of Carl Linnaeus.

(above) a coin from 7 BC bearing the image of Augustus AE Dupondius. This coin was made by moneyer M Salvius Otho. The reverse side of the coin bears the moneyer's name.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "
Salvius (died c. 100 BCE) was a flute player who was proclaimed king by the rebelling slaves of ancient Sicily during the Second Servile War. He assumed the name Tryphon, from Diodotus Tryphon, a Seleucid ruler. For some time, he waged war against the Romans.
Gaius Salvius Liberalis (fl. 80s CE) was a Roman aristocrat and general, who held civil office in Britain and a religious office in Rome.
The historical facts about him provide the basis for the fictional character Gaius Salvius Liberalis in the Cambridge Latin Course. He grew up in Italy and moved to Rome, where he became very successful in the position of a senator and lawyer. He then became an Arval Brother.
The Cambridge Latin Course (CLC) is a series of textbooks published by Cambridge University Press, used to teach Latin to secondary school students. First published in 1970, the series is now in its fifth edition, and has sold over 3.5 million copies. It has reached high status in the UK, being the most successful Latin course in the country and used by 85% of Latin-teaching schools.
Salvius or Sauve (fl. c. 580) was a bishop of Albi in Gaul who was later declared to be a saint."
In many cultures, names have been thought to have special properties. The Planes Indians believed that a name could be bought, sold, or even stolen.
An online search provided this as a result for the meaning behind the name Salvius.
An online search provided this as a result for the meaning behind the name Salvius.
- The name of Salvius indicates you are a patient, meticulous person who enjoys working in a very detailed, systematic way, in such fields as mathematics, science, mechanics, computers, or engineering.
- You do your best work when there is no disruption, as you do not easily adjust to interference and changes once you start a project; also you like to work step by step at your own speed.
- Your infinite patience would allow you to develop intricate, involved skills to perfection.
- However, it is not easy for others to work and live with you as you deliberate so long in arriving at conclusions and allow small details to restrict your point of view.
- Although the name Salvius creates the urge to be both logical and technical, we emphasize that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details exclusively.
- This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the elimination system, which can lead to other complications.
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