Arduino controlled humanoid robot

The photo right shows Salvius after the recent upgrade of the drive-base. The new lower chassis is more efficient than the cumbersome previous version. The wheels have been left off for now because there is still no motors to drive the wheels. This new design also allowed the torso motor to be directly connected to the upper body which will save a lot of space.

The narrower design of the new lower body is closer to the eventual goal of building a pair of biped legs for the robot. Before legs are built however, it is more likely that a gyroscope will be used to get the robot to balance on two wheels. For now the robot will remain wheel-less until I get some motors to drive the wheels.

The new chassis's design has also reduced the robot's overall height. This is acceptable as the robot is still tall enough to do everything that a human can. The reduction in height also reduces the intimidating factor of having a six-foot tall robot staring at you.